Download the package from the manager of your site.
How to download?
How to download?
Warning! This package requires MODX not less than
The component is relevant for online stores administrators.

Go to the system settings, and we find 2 options:
Made based on the guide from Michael.
Thread in MODX.PRO community.
Bot creating
- Look in the telegram of the user @botfather and add it, press start.
- Write: /newbot.
- botFather will ask us to enter the name of the bot, for example: myShop.
- Next, enter the username of the bot, it should end in Bot or _bot. This is the name by which you can find this bot, for example: myShop_bot or myShopBot.
- After this, there should be a message about creating a bot with a token.
- Then we add our bot to the contact list.
- Go to the link<*token*>/getUpdates, <*token*> we got in previous step. Here we will see all id chats and those who added themselves a bot.

Go to the system settings, and we find 2 options:
- mstelegram_token, here enter the token,
- mstelegram_recepients, here enter chat id, who will receive notifications.
Made based on the guide from Michael.
Thread in MODX.PRO community.