Component for the withdrawal of social. networks and other services
Accelerate the development of your own packages for MODX using a graphical interface....
Advanced MODX session management
Creation of modules and sections with reviews, comments, questions and answers.
A lightweight Extra for MODX Revolution for submitting forms with Fetch API
Front End Editing Extra
Rotation of logs in file error.log
Lazyload images on server side
Multilanguage, Seo and Automation
Integrates PageSpeed Insights optimization into MODX Revolution
Tracking changes in the urls and adding rules for redirect
Submit any form via Ajax
Fast fetching of pages and users of the site
TV parameter in the form of a table
Configuration tab with payment properties for miniShop2, developers utility.
Saving UTM tags for forms
Provides the ability to compress cache files using the gzip
Generate RSS feed for turbo pages Yandex
An Extra for creating notes for MODX Revolution
Additional table in MODX Manager
HTML filter and typograf
Managing the robots.txt and sitemap.xml output
Demo data for minishop - categories, products and manufacturers
The component that allows you to control the size of a site and set a limit
Scanning directories MODX for viruses
Specify SMTP-settings for Yandex mail service
Convenient admin panel of the website.
Compiles the SCSS code when the file is saved in the back end.
Pretty formatted dates
Find your slow scripts
Run any snippet via ajax