per site
- Checked by Modstore
- Free future updates
- Work on the test and public domain
- 12 months tech. support
Warning! This component requires PHP version
or higher!
If your site uses PHP less than required, the installation of this
package could break it.
Warning! This package requires MODX not less than
The component is designed for creation on the web sites such modules and sections as:
— An administrator receives a notification on the mail, and view this message in a special section of the site control panel where he can publish or delete a message and leave a response.
— If the user leaves an email, he will at the same time receive a notification to his email.
The component works with unauthorized users and doesn’t have social orientation. Those. It was not designed as a module for adding comments to blogs or any social networks (although you can try to use it taking your own risk).
The aim of easyComm is to communicate with buyers of online stores and visitors of the sites of companies, which sell services.

2. The full control of all messages and conversations through the admin panel Component adds its item in the Applications menu through which an administrator can create / correct / delete chains and posts.
3. Tab «Messages» on the resource page. It allows the functionality, described in the previous paragraph, but with the condition that here are available only messages and chains(chats), related to the current resource.
4. Notifications by mail. Administrator gets notification about new message, and if the user left his email, he also gets notification that his message was published on the website.
5. Ratings and ranks. To the component is added functionality that allows users to give their rating of something, and on its basis is created common rating/ it must be noted that rating is counted basing on two algorithms: average and by Wilson.
6. Adding of arbitrary fields. If you do not have the standard set of fields for the message (such as Date, Username, Email, Contacts, Score, Message subject, Message text, Reply author, Reply text), then with the help of the plug-in system, you can add an arbitrary number of your fields.
7. Customization of appearance. Appearance on the frontend can be changed in the usual way — by creating own chunks. In the admin panel, you can also change the appearance: you can change both the set of columns in the lists, and the fields available when editing the message.
7. Gravatar support. Snippet ecMessages supports gravatar. If message has filled in email, then in the messages chunk display is available placeholder gravatar.
Обсуждение компонента в сообществе MODX.PRO
- reviews,
- comments,
- questions of users.
The scheme of work:
— The user of the site with the help of special form leaves his comment / review / issue to anything.— An administrator receives a notification on the mail, and view this message in a special section of the site control panel where he can publish or delete a message and leave a response.
— If the user leaves an email, he will at the same time receive a notification to his email.
The component works with unauthorized users and doesn’t have social orientation. Those. It was not designed as a module for adding comments to blogs or any social networks (although you can try to use it taking your own risk).
The aim of easyComm is to communicate with buyers of online stores and visitors of the sites of companies, which sell services.

1. Possibility to create any number of conversations. Messages are tied not to resources, but to the chains(chats), and they in turn are tied to the resource, what allows to create multiple conversations on one page, for example, Feedback and Questions.2. The full control of all messages and conversations through the admin panel Component adds its item in the Applications menu through which an administrator can create / correct / delete chains and posts.
3. Tab «Messages» on the resource page. It allows the functionality, described in the previous paragraph, but with the condition that here are available only messages and chains(chats), related to the current resource.
4. Notifications by mail. Administrator gets notification about new message, and if the user left his email, he also gets notification that his message was published on the website.
5. Ratings and ranks. To the component is added functionality that allows users to give their rating of something, and on its basis is created common rating/ it must be noted that rating is counted basing on two algorithms: average and by Wilson.
6. Adding of arbitrary fields. If you do not have the standard set of fields for the message (such as Date, Username, Email, Contacts, Score, Message subject, Message text, Reply author, Reply text), then with the help of the plug-in system, you can add an arbitrary number of your fields.
7. Customization of appearance. Appearance on the frontend can be changed in the usual way — by creating own chunks. In the admin panel, you can also change the appearance: you can change both the set of columns in the lists, and the fields available when editing the message.
7. Gravatar support. Snippet ecMessages supports gravatar. If message has filled in email, then in the messages chunk display is available placeholder gravatar.
Functional Dependancy
For correct work there must be:- on the front end: the connected jquery library and plugin jquery.form;
- installed pdoTools,
- in the messages chunk display is additionally used snippet dateAgo for generating of «beautiful» date
Video with a demonstration of work
The video shows the main (but not all) features of the component.Обсуждение компонента в сообществе MODX.PRO
3.6.1-pl (03.02.2025)
- Исправлена ошибка с отправкой уведомлений администратору
- Изменена область видимости easyCommReCaptchaCallback в js скрипте
3.6.0-pl (26.03.2024)
- Добавлены ответы на сообщения (объект ecReply)
- Обновлен основной js файл в связи с новыми функциями
- Обновлены css стили и html разметка чанков. Старые стили доступны в файле ec_3.3.0.css
- Сниппет ecMessages: параметр tpl теперь отвечает за вывод всех сообщений сразу, чанк tpl.ecMessages.Row удален.
- Сниппет ecMessages: удалены параметры tplWrapper, tplEmpty, outputSeparator, toSeparatePlaceholders
- Сниппет ecMessages: новый параметр repliesEnable
- Обновлен чанк tpl.ecForm
- Новый сниппет ecReplyForm
- Поле properties объекта ecThread теперь хранит сведения о 2х сниппетах (ecForm и ecReplyForm)
- Продвинутый resolver структуры БД в инсталляторе
- defaultEngine для MySQL теперь InnoDB (вместо MyISAM)
- Переименованы поля ecThread (resource -> resource_id), ecMessage (thread -> thread_id), ecVote (message -> message_id)
- Переименованы timestamp поля объектов (напр. createdon => created_on)
- Изменена работа уведомлений через email, обновились соответствующие чанки и параметры сниппетов
- Удалена настройка ec_use_reply_templates
- Множество других мелких исправлений
3.5.0-pl (22.02.2024)
- Добавлены ответы на сообщения (объект ecReply)
- Обновлен основной js файл в связи с новыми функциями
- Обновлены css стили и html разметка чанков. Старые стили доступны в файле ec_3.3.0.css
- Сниппет ecMessages: параметр tpl теперь отвечает за вывод всех сообщений сразу, чанк tpl.ecMessages.Row удален.
- Сниппет ecMessages: удалены параметры tplWrapper, tplEmpty, outputSeparator, toSeparatePlaceholders
- Сниппет ecMessages: новый параметр repliesEnable
- Обновлен чанк tpl.ecForm
- Новый сниппет ecReplyForm
- Поле properties объекта ecThread теперь хранит сведения о 2х сниппетах (ecForm и ecReplyForm)
- Продвинутый resolver структуры БД в инсталляторе
- defaultEngine для MySQL теперь InnoDB (вместо MyISAM)
- Множество других мелких исправлений
3.3.0-pl (04.01.2023)
- Три новые темы с векторными иконками для звездочек
- Заменены иконки на векторные в блоке голосования
- Новый параметр starsTheme для сниппетов ecForm, ecMessages, ecThreadRating
- Новый параметр algorithm для сниппета ecThreadRating
- Новый параметр starWidthAndGup для сниппета ecThreadRating
- Исправлен баг со снятием сообщения с публикации в панели управления
3.2.2-pl (28.12.2023)
- Добавлен checkbox с согласием на обработку персональных данных в форму (параметр agreementCheckbox сниппета ecForm)
3.2.1-pl (03.11.2023)
- Исправлены ошибки в таблице сообщений, если связанный с цепочкой ресурс был удален
3.2.0-pl (19.09.2023)
- Возможность прикреплять файлы к сообщениям в админке
- Переименован файл ec.default.css в ec.css
- Файл ec.default.js переименован в ec.old.js, теперь по-умолчанию используются скрипты без зависимостей от jQuery
3.1.3-pl (03.05.2023)
- Исправлена ошибка невозможности удаления своего голоса при голосовании
- Добавлена версия скриптов компонента без использования jQuery. Если у вас не используется jQuery и вы не хотите его подключать - укажите в настройках файл: /assets/components/easycomm/js/web/ec.js
3.1.2-pl (27.06.2022)
- Добавлен параметр user для сниппета ecMessage
- Исправлена фатальная ошибка при установке защищенного пакета
3.1.0-pl (10.12.2021)
- Прикрепление файлов к сообщениям (взято из версии 2)
- Поддержка MODX 3 beta 2
- Поддержка pdoTools 3
3.0.1-pl (22.05.2020)
- Адаптация компонента для MODx 3.x.x