
Component for the withdrawal of social. networks and other services
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Version 1.0.6-pl
Release date 05.05.2020
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Views 1 102
Component for the output of social networks and other services.


SocialNetworks snippet (call non-cacheable).


Snippet options:

  • tplOuter — The chunk of the design of the entire block. Default:
    @INLINE <ul {$classes}> {$wrapper} </ul>
  • outerClass — The wrapper class. Default: list-inline
  • tpl — Service design chunk. Default:
    @INLINE <li {$classes}><a href="{$link}" target="_blank" title="{$icon}"><i class = "fab fa-{$name } "></i></a></li>
  • rowClass — The class of service. Default: list-inline-item
  • sortby — The sort field. Default: name
  • sortdir — Sort directions. Default: ASC
  • limit — Limit the number of sample results. Default: 0
  • outputSeparator — Split output lines. Default: /
  • toPlaceholder — If this parameter is specified, the result will be saved in the placeholder, instead of direct output to the page.
  • services = Social List networks for output. If empty, all networks are displayed.
  • fontawesome — Enables the fontawesome font. Possible options: webfont || svg || none . Default: webfont

Examples :

1. We show all services:
{'SocialNetworks' | snippet}

2. We show only 3 services: Vkontakte, Facebook, Instagram
{'SocialNetworks' | snippet: [
    'services' => 'vk,facebook-f,instagram'
More examples can be seen here

How do I add more services?

Add the required array element to the system setting: socialnetworks_services : [«modx», «MODX»]
Add the service to the component menu:

{'SocialNetworks' | snippet: [
    'services' => 'modx'

1.0.6-pl (05/05/20)

 - Fixed lexicon

1.0.5-pl (04/26/20)

 - Update fontawesome font to version 5.13.0  - Improved initialization of styles and scripts  - Added social class for wrapper   1.0.4-pl (12.26.19)

 - Fixed icons for MODX3  - Added lexicon en  - Changed default sorting

1.0.3-pl (05/20/19)

 - Added a placeholder icon to display the icon, and $ name now displays the name of the service.

1.0.2-pl (05/09/19)

 - Fixed SocialNetworks plugin

1.0.1-pl (05/07/19)

 - Improved SocialNetworks snippet  - Added 2 system settings: socialnetworks_fontawesome_css and socialnetworks_fontawesome_js

1.0.0-pl (05/04/19)

 - First release