The author
Alexey Smirnov
Usually answers within a few days
Автор дополнения
Usually answers within a few days
Version 1.0.5-beta1
Release date 06.06.2017
Downloads 58
Views 2 094
Warning! This component requires PHP version 5.3 or higher! If your site uses PHP less than required, the installation of this package could break it.
Warning! This package requires MODX not less than 2.3 !
The component is designed to quickly install a banner on the top of the site with the ability to hide the banner by the user and not show it in the future.

Attention!!! Only 1 banner can be shown on the page.

Installing a banner on the site


Установка баннера с политикой конфиденциальности


Demo banner with privacy policy

Key Features

  • Quick start, just paste into any part of the template:
    and the banner will appear at the top
  • Also, a ready-made banner for privacy policy was added. (specify for installation tpl=`promoDsBannerConfidentiality`)
  • Two ready-made banner templates are available from the box: promoDsBanner — advertising banner and promoDsBannerConfidentiality — with a button for privacy policy
  • Output banner at any location with automatic deployment
  • Setting goals for yandex metrics.
  • You can send any other data to the snippet
    [[!promoDs? &myparams=`Имя баннера`]]
  • You can only show the banner 1 time. After clicking on the cross, the banner will no longer be displayed. For authorized users, impressions are stored in extended
  • You can output any content using the placeholder content
  • You can use the standard BannerY to display
    [[!promoDs? &content=`[[!BannerY? &postion=`1` &limit=`1`]]`]]
  • Protected against blocker AdBlock
  • Objectives for Yandex metrics (when clicking on the link, information about the click is flown to the Yandex metric)

Setting Goals for Yandex Metrics

  • Enable Goals: target_yandex = 1
  • Specify the counter: target_yandex_counter = yaCounter37222325
  • Default target name: name = bannerDs
  • Create a target JavaScript event in the metric: an instruction for creating goals

By default, the banner ID is set to &name=`promoDsBanner` to show the next banner you need to specify a new name:


  • Исправлен баг с установкой timeout


  • Initial commitPromoDs 1.0.0
  • Initial commit