Version 3.0.4-beta
Release date 05.24.2022
Downloads 375
Views 5 849
Warning! This component requires PHP version 7.0 or higher! If your site uses PHP less than required, the installation of this package could break it.
Warning! This package requires MODX not less than 2.5 !

SEO Suite is a premium MODX Extra which automatically fixes 404 errors on your website by searching for related content on your website and creating a 301 redirect to that page. Fixing 404's is a common issue for anyone who’s getting a new website. SEO Suite makes sure the visitors are redirected to a relevant page when they’re looking for an old URL.

After uploading the .csv file containing all 404 URLs, SEO Suite will look for similarities between the 404 URLs and the pages on your website:

  • When there’s one match, it will be automatically converted to a 301 redirect in SEO Tab.
  • When there are several matches, you can choose the desired redirect manually.
  • When there are no matches, you can enter a URL yourself.


  • [new in 1.1.0] When someone visits a non-existent page (404) on your website, the URL will be automatically added to SEO Suite so you can redirect it to an existing page.
  • [new in 1.1.0] SEO Suite now comes with a Dashboard widget, showing the 10 newest SEO Suite URL's
  • It is possible to import a .csv file containing 404 URL's and then search for redirects inside only one (related) context. This comes in handy for multilingual websites.
  • To get more specific redirect suggestions, you can exclude words from the matching system. Pay attention: when you add words to exclude after a .csv import, you might need to refresh the suggestions by clicking your right mouse button on the relevant 404 URL and choose 'Find suggestions'. After doing this, it will be refreshed.

Features in development

  • 301 redirect stats. SEO Suite will feature a custom manager page containing 301-redirects stats. A dashboard widget will be provided which shows the 10 redirects with the most hits.
  • Automatically import 404's from Google Search Console

Overview of all your 404's

Create a 301 redirect from a suggestion

Create a 301 redirect manually

Manage exclude words to make the automatic suggestion more accurate

Dashboard widget with the latest detected 404 pages

SEO Suite 3.0.4

  • Add buttons Suggestions excludes and Logging excludes

SEO Suite 3.0.3

  • Fix blocked_words usage

SEO Suite 3.0.2

  • Fix hreflang attribute in alternate tag

SEO Suite 3.0.1

  • Fix sorting in CMP
  • Fix prority in sitemap

SEO Suite 3.0.0

  • Fix MODX 3 compatibility

SEO Suite 2.0.6

  • Fix creating redirect when sorting within same parent
  • Fixing sitemap settings save on resource tabs
  • Fix 500 error when no resource is found

SEO Suite 2.0.5

  • Automatically add a 301 redirect when a resource is moved

SEO Suite 2.0.4

  • Fix wrong image URL in custom media source #35

SEO Suite 2.0.3

  • Skip arrays to avoid tons message in the logs #15
  • Fix displaying meta keywords #21
  • Replace attribute name to property for og:-metafields #25
  • Add russian lexicon #28

SEO Suite 2.0.2

  • Fixed issue which caused rich text content fields to break #4 #5

SEO Suite 2.0.1

  • Fixed issue which didn't set the alternate placeholders properly
  • Fixed keyword counter issue in combination with Ace
  • Fixed issue which didn't save the new url when creating a new redirect
  • Fixed incorrect formatted URL during SEO Tab migration
  • Added system setting for marking alternate link as x-default

SEO Suite 2.0.0

  • Combined SEO Tab, SEO Pro and SEO Suite v1 into one powerful extra
  • Added a dedicated SEO panel
  • Added Social tab where OG and Twitter meta tags can be managed
  • Improved search engine preview

SEO Suite 1.2.3

  • Removed license check

SEO Suite 1.2.2

  • Added some missing Dutch translations
  • Fixed issue with incorrect redirect-cleanup script path
  • Improved Dutch/English descriptions

SEO Suite 1.2.1

  • validate URL's before saving them
  • Able to block URL's from being saved as redirect by system setting

SEO Suite 1.2.0

  • Added redirect created date
  • Added redirect triggerd count & last time triggerd date
  • Added cleanup cronjob which removes unresolved redirects which are older then 1 month and have been triggered just once

SEO Suite 1.1.2

  • Added indexes for improved performance

SEO Suite 1.1.1

  • Modstore/modmore compatibility

SEO Suite 1.1.0

  • Add limit to redirect suggestions shown in grid
  • Add SeoSuiteUrl and try to find matches when OnPageNotFound is triggered and no SeoSuiteUrl object is found
  • Add dashboard widget with 10 latest SeoSuite URLs
  • Detect CSV file delimiter on import
  • Add option to limit matches to related context of URL
  • Update find suggestions method to add redirect when one match is found
  • Add search by ID to resource combobox
  • Add system setting (and cmp field) for excluding words from suggestion matching
  • Add suggestions combobox to update url window

SEO Suite 1.0.1

  • Fix find-suggestions response message to notify if more than one redirect match
  • Fix getSeoTabVersion function to check for correct package_name
  • Fix grid getlist to show only first 10 redirect suggestions to prevent processor timeouts
  • Fix url update processor to not break when not using SEO Tab as redirect handler

SEO Suite 1.0.0

  • Initial release.