Download the package from the manager of your site.
How to download?
How to download?
Warning! This component requires PHP version
or higher!
If your site uses PHP less than required, the installation of this
package could break it.
Warning! This package requires MODX not less than
This package allows you to create a TV with the type «Placemark on Yandex map», returns the coordinates of the placemark. The package is only for the admin panel, at the front it does nothing — it only saves the coordinates to TV.
For correct operation you need to get Yandex Api Key . Select the key «JavaScript API and HTTP Geocoder».
- Works with MIGX.
- Unlimited adding fields.
- When reopening the resource, centers the map on the label.
- Search and zoom available.
For correct operation you need to get Yandex Api Key . Select the key «JavaScript API and HTTP Geocoder».

- Added system setting yandex_coords_tv_api_key for API Yandex key
- It is possible to specify the Yandex API key during installation / update
- Moving the mark along with the coordinates
- Now the coordinates of the point are searched, not the nearest object
- Fixed visual part (PS: when updating, remove the YandexCoordsTv plugin)
- First release