
Telegram bot with administration in MODx, with user feedback
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Usually answers within 4 hours
Version 1.1.3-beta
Release date 01.26.2021
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Warning! This component requires PHP version 5.6 or higher! If your site uses PHP less than required, the installation of this package could break it.
Warning! This package requires MODX not less than 2.6 !
Module for creating a site-bot in the «Telegram» messenger with administration in CMS MODx Revolution.
Allows you to create a mini-site in the messenger with text pages and navigation through them.
The functional includes:
  • browsing resources and navigating through sections and resources
  • support for simple HTML markup
  • search by materials from the query string
  • file delivery on demand (archives or images)
  • notifying all users about material updates
  • sending news to all users of the bot
  • feedback functionality

Bot example @tgsitemodxbot

Installation instructions

  1. Create a bot in telegram
    • open @BotFather
    • type command /newbot

    • specify the bot name and name, ending bot
    • save the resulting token like 123456789:ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ
  2. Run installation telegAccess extension
  3. In the «Installation options» specify the bot token. Leave the proxy fields empty (unless you know exactly why you need it)
  4. After successfully installing the extension, create a root resource for the bot. Root resource
    this is, in fact, the start page, to which the bot user goes by the «Home» button.
  5. Go to System Preferences, select the «telegAccess» group, find the «Root Element» option and provide the ID of the created root resource.
  6. In «Telegram», find the created bot by name and type the command /start
  7. If everything went well, you will see an invitation and a start page.