
Automatic optimization of uploaded files
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1 644
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1 644
Version 2.0.2-beta
Release date 12.10.2017
Downloads 1 644
Views 2 805
Warning! This component requires PHP version 5.6 or higher! If your site uses PHP less than required, the installation of this package could break it.
What does this component do?
Optimizing an image for a site is to reduce the amount of images without visible loss of quality.
When downloading a file through the file manager, the TV field in the image file resource (jpg / png) and when creating a preview image — it automatically optimizes it.

Compression PDF-files — reduces the size of downloaded PDF-files through the file manager, TV-box.

What does it use?
To optimize the image, the service is used to refine the API component to the TinyPNG service. The component allows you to download images up to 5MB in size and free of charge. To use the download for large sizes, you will have to get the key to the API.

To compress PDF files, the API component to the ILovePDF service is used. To use, it is necessary to obtain an ID-project and a secret key in the personal account of the service.

  • Integration into minishop2 (msGallery)
  • Integration into phpThumb (phpThumbOn / phpThumbOf)
  • Integration into MIGX

Project at GitHub.com


Устранены проблемы, возникающее при отсутствии api-ключей


  • Полностью переписан компонент
  • Добавлена возможность указать ключ к API TinyPNG для сжатия больших файлов
  • Добавлена возможность отключить сжатие загружаемых файлов
  • Все файлы менее 5 МБ сжимаются через Crazy-режим
  • Добавлено сжатие pdf-файлов через сервис ILovePDF.com


  • Интеграция в msGallery
  • Интеграция в phpThumb
  • Добавлена обработка исключений


  • Сжатие изображений