
Restricting access to content through open passwords
The author
Lev Verbitskiy
Usually answers within 24 hours
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Usually answers within 24 hours
Version 1.2.0-rs
Release date 04.02.2020
Downloads 45
Views 2 696
Warning! This component requires PHP version 5.6 or higher! If your site uses PHP less than required, the installation of this package could break it.
Warning! This package requires MODX not less than 2.5 !
Restricting access to content through open passwords.
Examples of using:
  • Access to the videoconference
  • Temporary access to downloads
  • Access to the closed section with documents

The component is able to:
  • Restrict access by date
  • Restrict access by the «number of authorizations»
  • Restrict access by the amount of time spent in the «closed section»
  • The administrator at any time can block the user and will «throw it out» within 10 seconds
The component captures the number of user inputs, the time in a closed section.
There are some fields for user information.

To fix the residence time and disconnect the user at the right time, every 10 seconds the component sends ajax-request to the server (when the user is authorized). Thus, by modifying the code a bit, you can, for example, disconnect all users at once.

The use of the component is very simple, it is enough to call the isLoggedIn snippet, which takes 2 chunks — a chunk of the authorization form and a chunk with private content.

Discuss it in MODX.PRO community.


Добавлен параметр тегов для сниппета isLoggedIn и для пользователя. Оба параметра задаются набором тегов через запятую. Если у сниппета указаны теги, то будет произведено сравнение с тегами пользователя, если пересечения нет, то пользователя не пустит.