per site
- Checked by Modstore
- Free future updates
- Work on the test and public domain
- 12 months tech. support
Warning! This component requires PHP version
or higher!
If your site uses PHP less than required, the installation of this
package could break it.
Warning! This package requires MODX not less than
The msFieldsManager component extends the product properties in miniShop2 by adding your fields.
The following form elements are available:
- numeric field
- test field
- text area
- text editor 7:10 (should be installed TypoMCE or similar)
- the code editor 7:54 (must be installed Ace)
- Yes / No list 1:54
- listbox (multi-select) 2:30
- custom drop-down list 3:32 4:43
- check box 0:15
- radio options 0:46
- date
- time
- date and time
- date timestamp
For the whole elements list the customization possibility is available.
As an example of a text field customizing, we make it read-only by adding read Only: true
xtype: 'textfield'
,fieldLabel: _('ms2_product_mytextfield')
,description: _('ms2_product_mytextfield_help')
,name: 'mytextfield'
,anchor: '100%'
,readOnly: true
Among other things, you can create your own processors and use them in custom elements.
Note: for all Boolean fields in the database, use the TINYINT type
Important: If you added your fields, and they did not appear for the product, you need to clear the browser cache
Thread in MODX.PRO community.
msFieldsManager 1.2.9
- Updated: Support msProductsComposerSelection 1.0.18-pl
msFieldsManager 1.2.8
- Fixed: Numeric floating point fields
msFieldsManager 1.2.7
- Added: Integration with Polylang
msFieldsManager 1.2.6
- Fixed: "Text Editor" field
msFieldsManager 1.2.5
- Added: Measure units
- Added: MsfmUnit snippet
- Fixed: Set default value NULL
msFieldsManager 1.2.4
- Fixed: DateTime field
msFieldsManager 1.2.3
- Fixed: CheckBox list
msFieldsManager 1.2.2
- Added: Display fields in the product category
- Added: Sort by product category
msFieldsManager 1.2.1
- Fixed: Default value "none"
msFieldsManager 1.2.0
- Added: Data storage for fields
- Added: Integration with msProductsComposerSelection
- Changed: Sorting items (drag and drop)
- Fixed: Minor bugs