

Dark theme for the admin panel in MODX 2.*.*
Version 1.1.2-beta
Release date 02.13.2025
Downloads 22
Views 45
Warning! This component requires PHP version 5.6 or higher! If your site uses PHP less than required, the installation of this package could break it.
Warning! This package requires MODX not less than 2.7 !
Login page (.../manager):

Admin panel:

Advantages of using this theme:

1. Eyes feel less strained, especially once you get used to it.

2. The component adds jquery-3.7.1.min.js for local use.

3. The component adds FontAwesome 5.15.4, ensuring that the IconTV component works correctly throughout the admin panel.

4. MIGX TV fields open correctly, full-width:

5. Pop-up windows, when maximized, truly open in full screen:

6. The rows in the left sidebar lists are slightly taller, as are the context menu items, making it more convenient to use the admin panel.
7. Resource icons are highlighted in different colors depending on their publication/status such as «deleted,» etc.

Upon installation, the component will suggest immediately changing the system settings key manager_theme from default to eclipseui — and this is currently the only way to manage the component, i.e., switching the admin panel theme.

eclipseui 1.1.2

  • Resolved issue with login page template

eclipseui 1.1.1

  • Addressed issues with context menu functionality and display

  • Resolved table rendering inconsistencies across interface components

  • Implemented adjustments to CSS stylesheets to resolve minor visual discrepancies

eclipseui 1.1.0

  • Added new theme "github"

eclipseui 1.0.0

Initial Version