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108 993
Version 3.1.0-pl
Release date 11.10.2020
Downloads 4 480
Views 4 644
Warning! This component requires PHP version 5.4 or higher! If your site uses PHP less than required, the installation of this package could break it.
Warning! This package requires MODX not less than 2.3 !
This component installs Bootstrap 4 on your site, for easy integration of other extras: pdoTools, miniShop2, Office, mSearch2 etc.

During installation, 5 standard chunks are created.:
  • Head — basic tags and register scripts with styles
  • Navbar — navigation panel
  • Content — demo content, just output resources via pdoPage
  • Crumbs — breadcrumbs
  • Footer — footer with timings

And one template:
  • Bootstrap — where these chunks are called

All scripts and styles are already minified and connected to the footer.

3.1.0 (10.11.2020)

  • Updated Bootstrap to version 4.5.3
  • Updated pdoTools version in the installer

3.0.0 (15.03.2019)

  • Updated Bootstrap to version 4.3.1
  • Removed Bootswatch themes.
  • Removed MinifyX.
  • Removed demo pages.

2.4.2 (24.06.2017)

  • [#16] Fixed links to the fonts in CSS.

2.4.1 (22.04.2017)

  • Updated pdoTools version in the installer
  • Add Solar Bootswatch themes

2.4.0 (11.10.2016)

  • Updated pdoTools version in the installer
  • Updated MinifyX version in the installer
  • jQuery 1.12.4
  • Bootstrap 3.3.7
  • Updated Bootswatch themes

2.3.0 (02.05.2016)

  • Updated pdoTools version in the installer
  • Updated MinifyX version in the installer
  • jQuery 1.11.3
  • Bootstrap 3.3.6
  • Updated Bootswatch themes
  • Add Yeti Bootswatch theme

2.2.1 (13.06.2015)

  • Updated pdoTools version in the installer.

2.2.0 (30.03.2015)

  • Added pdoTitle
  • jQuery 1.11.2
  • Bootstrap 3.3.4
  • Updated Bootswatch themes.

2.1.0 (05.02.2014)

  • Improved jQuery registration.
  • jQuery 1.11.0
  • Bootstrap 3.1.0
  • Added ability to overwrite chunks on package upgrade.
  • Updated Bootswatch themes.

2.0.2 (23.11.2013)

  • Fixed fonts load.

2.0.1 (22.11.2013)

  • Scripts and styles are loaded with MinifyX.

2.0.0 (21.11.2013)

  • Bootstrap 3.0.2
  • jQuery 1.10.2
  • 11 themes from
  • 2 demo pages with documents listing and bootstrap elements

1.4.0 (21.10.2013)

  • Added integration with pdoTools.
  • pdoTools installs automaticly.

1.3.1 (18.05.2013)

  • Updated Bootstrap, version 2.3.2

1.3.0 (16.02.2013)

  • Updated Bootstrap, version 2.3.0
  • Updated 12 Bootswatch themes
  • Small optimization to template

1.2.1 (10.12.2012)

  • Updated Bootstrap, version 2.2.2
  • jQuery version changed to 1.8.3
  • Added cosmo theme

1.2.0 (31.10.2012)

  • Updated Bootstrap, version 2.2.0
  • jQuery version changed to 1.8.1
  • Improved Wayfinder chunks. Now dropdown menu items works only if visible children exists.
  • Small fixes


  • Added Cosmo theme

1.1.0 (07.10.2012)

  • Updated Bootstrap, version 2.1.1
  • Added 11 Bootswatch themes

1.1.0 (22.08.2012)

  • Updated Bootstrap, version 2.1.0

1.0.5 (20.08.2012)

  • Fixed dropdown feature

1.0.4 (17.08.2012)

  • Updated glyphicons

1.0.3 (13.08.2012)

  • [#3] Improved portability + various fixes
  • [#4] Added "img" directory with glyphicons
  • Jquery version changed to 1.8.0

1.0.2 (25.06.2012)

  • Updated version of Bootstrap to 2.0.4
  • Added responsive feature

1.0.1 (13.05.2012)

  • Fixed dropdown menu

1.0.0 (10.05.2012)

  • Initial release.