Download the package from the manager of your site.
How to download?
How to download?
Warning! This component requires PHP version
or higher!
If your site uses PHP less than required, the installation of this
package could break it.
Warning! This package requires MODX not less than
Authorization through social networks and other services.
- Refactoring PHP to PSR-12
- Updated HybridAuth core to 3.7.1
- Fixed retrieving date of birth from remote profile.
- Updated HybridAuth core to 3.0.0 stable
- Fixed php type of "country" in model map.
- Updated HybridAuth core.
- Refactored to use HybridAuth 3.
- Updated default providers.
2.1.0 pl
- Added provider.
- Improved compatibility with PHP 7.2.
- Improved ExtJs grid in manager.
2.0.4 pl
- Fixed possible "No provider ID specified" message in the system log.
- Updated HybridAuth library to version 2.9.1.
2.0.3 pl
- Improved the handling of exceptions.
- Fixed debug mode.
2.0.2 pl
- Fixed possible XSS in the authorization links.
2.0.1 pl
- Removed error "You cannot access this page directly" from system log.
2.0.0 pl
- PSR-2
- Updated HybridAuth library to version 2.8.2.
- HybridAuth library integrated via composer.
- Ability to unbind services from a profile of user.
- If pdoTools is installed, the component will use it for the processing of a chunks.
1.1.4 pl
- [#34] Fixed scopes in Facebook provider.
- Fixed possible E_WARNING in Vkontakte provider.
1.1.3 pl
- [#37] Increased length of some haUserService fields.
1.1.2 pl
- Updated main oAuth providers, including Google and Facebook.
1.1.1 pl
- [#17] Fixed work with enabled php-apc after updated HybridAuth core to version 2.3.0.
1.1.0 pl
- Updated HybridAuth core to version 2.3.0.
- Shows more errors from HybridAuth in MODX log.
1.0.0 pl
- Removed object haUser. All existing users will be converted to modUser on package upgrade.
- Removed function filter_var() for email validation.
- Returned back transparent images.
0.9.0 pl
- Added possibility to view user's linked services in manager.
0.8.8 pl1
- [#26] Fixed calculation of time of the queries.
- Fixed E_NOTICE on line 99 of hybridauth.class.php.
0.8.7 pl
- [#23] Fixed parameter "debug" for HybridAuth.
- [#21] Improved usernames.
0.8.6 pl
- [#20] Improved work with context settings.
- Fixed method makePlaceholders.
0.8.5 pl4
- Improved package uninstall and reinstall.
- [#17] Fixed work with enabled php-apc.
- Added Foursquare icon.
- Fixed possible E_WARNING on initialization.
0.8.4 pl
- Added rel="nofollow" into chunk with link to provider.
- Improved description of system settings.
0.8.3 pl
- Improved generation of providers links.
0.8.2 pl
- Added parameter "&redirectUri=``" for solve issue "redirect_uri_mismatch" when using multiple contexts.
- Context settings now can override providers keys in system settings. Very helpful for multiple contexts.
0.8.1 pl
- Fixed bug with saving parameters to $_SESSION.
0.8.0 pl
- [#7] Fixed generation of links for sites in subfolder.
- [#4] Fixed login to separate contexts.
- Improved support of multiple contexts.
0.7.0 pl2
- New snippet "haProfile" for update user profile.
- Automatic generation of links of providers.
- Improved chunks, added icons for some providers.
- Automatic logout of users that was been blocked by administrator.
- Added virtual field "gravatar" to class "haUser". You can get it with $modx->user->get('gravatar');.
- Extension package is removed from system settings when you uninstall component.
- Replaced file "action.php" to plugin "HybridAuth".
- Added new providers: "Draugiem" and "Xing".
- [#3] Fixed "No foreign key definition for parentClass: modUser using relation alias: Services" log entries.
- Fixed order of links to providers, specified in the parameter "&providers".
0.6.0 pl
- Added ability to disable new user registrations. See system setting "ha.register_users".
0.5.0 beta
- Fixed login trough
- Updated HybridAuth core to version 2.1.2
0.4.0 beta
- Updated HybridAuth core to version 2.1.1
- Improved initialization of main class
0.3.3 beta
- Fixed issue with empty email
0.3.2 beta
- Added exception handler for catching all exceptions from HybridAuth into MODX system log
0.3.1 beta
- Changing user class to haUser on login through remote service.
- On uninstall of component all haUsers becomes modUsers.
0.3.0 beta
- Fixed save of a photo in profile.
- Improved errors handling.
- Fixed increment of username if remote username exists on site.
- If authenticated user linking remote service record, that already exists in remote profiles of the site - this record changes the owner. You can re-link any of your records to any accounts on site.
0.2.0 beta
- Added parameter &groups=``. For example, &groups=`Users:1` will add new user to group "Users" with role "member"
- Updated snippet params, added russian localization.
- Chunks localization
- Updated readme
0.1.0 beta
- Initial release.