
Copying ms2Gallery files from language versions to the current one.
Version 1.0.1-pl2
Release date 06.25.2016
Downloads 204
Views 2 486
Warning! This component requires PHP version 5.3 or higher! If your site uses PHP less than required, the installation of this package could break it.
Warning! This package requires MODX not less than 2.3 !
A small package implements the convenient use of ms2Gallery in conjunction with Babel, providing the option to duplicate files from the resources of another language version to the current one.It is useful in case there is a need to upload files for a page of one language, and then create a translation for it and reload it again.


For the package to work, ms2Gallery и Babel 3 must be installed.

Thread in MODX.PRO community.

1.0.1-pl2 (25.06.2016)

  • Убран вывод дебаг данных в лог системы

1.0.1-pl (25.06.2016)

  • Исправлена ошибка в консоли браузера, когда кнопки babel на странице не найдено

1.0.0-pl2 (15.01.2016)

  • Поправлен плагин, который не давал создать ресурс


  • Start