

Optimized snippet phpThumbOf for MODX Revolution
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Version 1.3.5-beta2
Release date 02.12.2019
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Warning! This component requires PHP version 5.3 or higher! If your site uses PHP less than required, the installation of this package could break it.
Warning! This package requires MODX not less than 2.3 !
Optimized snippet phpThumbOf for MODX Revolution. Similar syntax but faster operation. See changelog for details.

Package author to version 1.3.0 — Yevgeny Borisov (Agel_Nash)

The phpthumbon snippet

This snippet can be used as a modifier, for example: [[*image:phpthumbon=`w=200&h=200&zc=1`]]

inputPath to the image to be processed

Possible values
A string

Default value

This parameter makes the snippet operate as a modifier.

optionsphpThumb class parameters

Possible values
A random string with parameters separated from each other by the character & (ampersand); the value of a parameter is placed after the character = (equal mark)

Default value

The default values q and src can be redefined in the system settings via phpthumbon.noimage and phpthumbon.quality

System Settings

phpthumbon.images_dirThe folder to be cut off from the path in the cache directory

Possible values
Folder name

Default value

Relative to the “assets” folder

phpthumbon.qualityDefault image quality

Possible values
A whole number greater than 0

Default value

This value will be used if image quality is not defined in parameters when the snippet is fetched.

phpthumbon.cache_dirCache folder name

Possible values
Folder name

Default value

Relative to the “assets” folder

phpthumbon.extThis type will be used if an image to be compressedis in an unknown format.

Possible values
Filename extension

Default value

This type will be used if an image to be compressed is in an unknown format.

phpthumbon.noimagePath to an “Image does not exist” image

Possible values
Path to the file

Default value

If an image specified in “Input” cannot be accessed, or if that parameter is empty, the image specified in this parameter will be fetched for processing.

phpthumbon.queueQueue support activation

Possible values
0, 1, 2

Default value

0 — use no queue; 1 — use a queue without compressing ‘noimage’; 2 — use a queue and reduce ‘noimage’ to a required size

phpthumbon.queue_classpathPath to a QueueThumb class file

Possible values
0, 1, 2

Default value

The specified file should contain a QueueThumb class with the public static method add(phpThumbOn $ThumbOn, modX $modx). By default, the class uses no queues in the direct sense of the word and only saves relevant data in the table modx_thumb_images for further processing by the processor from cron.

phpthumbon.error_modeFlawed image processing rules

Possible values
1, 2

Default value

1 (by default) — compressing ‘noimage’ with defined parameters; 2 — displaying an original image without processing

phpthumbon.noimage_cacheFolder with cached noimage files

Possible values
Full path to any file

Default value

Path to a file already containing ‘noimage’ of required sizes

phpthumbon.total_queueNumber of queued tasks processed at a time

Possible values
from 1 to 10

Default value

No more than 10. If this parameter has no value, the default value 1 will be set.

phpthumbon.make_cachenameSnippet capable of replacing default rules of image name cache formation

Possible values
Any name of a snippet present in the system

Default value

Snippet should refetch a serialized array with the following keys:

  • _cacheFileName (filename with a full address relative to the server root)
  • _cacheSuffix (suffix in a cache-file name)
  • _globThumb (search template for other previews of the same file

phpThumbOn 1.3.2-pl (16.09.2016)

Initialization of the modPhpThumb class for working with MODX 2.5.1

phpThumbOn 1.3.1-pl (14.01.2015)

Parameter $_config in the phpThumbOn class is now public for direct access from the snippet in the "phpthumbon.make_cachename" parameter.

The _pathinfo method in the phpThumbOn class has been rewritten from scratch for a better understanding of Russian symbols. Our thanks to Vasily Naumkin for implementing this function in the ms2Gallery component.

phpThumbOn 1.3.0 (23.09.2014)

German and English vocabulary

Package for compatibility with MODX 2.3.x updated

phpThumbOn 1.2.1 (27.12.2013)

Object data reset bug caused by the processor’s reply fixed

Problem with absolute paths fixed

phpThumbOn 1.2.0 (26.12.2013)

Deleting previously created previews during a repeated call of a snippet with other parameters

No more output emptiness if a script fails to create a preview

Caching compressed “noimage” images

Possibility of processing several images during one processor start

Flawed image copying fixed

Custom preview names

phpThumbOn 1.1.0 (06.12.2013)

Compression queue support added

phpThumbOn 1.0.2 (16.09.2013)

Operation in AJAX mode fixed

phpThumbOn 1.0.1 (25.08.2013)

Invalid reading of the “input” parameter starting with a slash

phpThumbOn 1.0.0 (02.08.2013)

Preview filename cleared of unintelligible symbol sequences

Images semantically distributed among folders in accordance with original images

Constant cache checkups and cleanups removed

AWS Amazon support deactivated

A number of parameters responsible for default preview quality and type added

Snippet code optimized for multiple calls