per site
- Checked by Modstore
- Free future updates
- Work on the test and public domain
- 12 months tech. support
Warning! This component requires PHP version
or higher!
If your site uses PHP less than required, the installation of this
package could break it.
An extension with which you can create an rss channel that matches the requirements of Yandex turbo pages.
Main features of the plugin:
- Support for customization and search output
- Support for customizing and displaying menus
- Support for customizing and displaying widgets, feedback forms
- Support for configuring and displaying various buttons (Email, phone, etc.)
- Support for customizing and displaying ad units
- Support for configuring and displaying analytics systems
- Support for customizing and displaying social buttons
Installing an extension:
- Download the installation package and install it;
- Create a new resource;
- Add a snippet [[! turbopages?]];
- Setting up the snippet;
- Set the content type to rss or text or xml;
- Save.
- Upload the resulting RSS file to Yandex.Webmaster
- Turn on the display of Turbo pages.
If the amount of resources that you want to add to the rss channel, it is very much recommended to create several feeds. Otherwise, the script will terminate due to insufficient resources on your server.
Description of turbopages snippet settings:
Main snippet, which is responsible for generating the RSS feed.
- parents — List of resource parent IDs. Separated by commas. If the parent ID begins with "-", then this parent is excluded from the selection along with all its resources
- resources — List of resource IDs. Separated by commas. If the ID starts with "-", then this resource is excluded from the selection
- showUnpublished — Show unpublished assets
- showDeleted — Show deleted resources
- showHidden — Show hidden resources
- hideContainers — Show container resources
- itemChunk — Chunk with turbo content decoration element
- language — Content language
- liveInternetParams — LiveInternet Counter
- mailRUCounterId — Mail RU counter ID
- mediascopeCounterId — Mediascope counter ID
- ramblerCounterId — Rambler counter ID
- yAndexAdId — block ID of the Yandex advertising network
- customCounterUrl — Link to another counter
- adFoxAdScript — AdFox ad network code
- fileds — Specify the field codes to be loaded, separated by commas
- tvs- Specify the ID or TV field codes that you want to download, separated by commas
- yandexMetricaId — Yandex Metrica counter ID
- tvFilters — Fetching resources by tv fields. Tv-fields are specified separated by commas in the form: NAME_TV_FIELD = VALUE
- where — Custom selection conditions in json format.
- yandexMetricaParams — Yandex Metrica counter parameters
- scheme — Url generation scheme.
- authorName — Articles author.
Designed to display a list, each element of which can be expanded or collapsed.
- nameKey — The name of the MIGX field for the name.
- textKey — The name of the MIGX field for description.
- migxTv — Placeholder of the MIGX field.
Description of adblock snippet settings:
Designed to display an ad unit within an article.
- ID — ID of the ad unit.
Description of snippet settings button:
Designed to display a button containing any link.
- text — Button text.
- action — Button link.
- backgroundColor — Background color.
- color — Text color.
Feedbackform snippet settings description:
Designed to display a feedback form.
- email — Contact email.
- company — Company name.
- agreementLink — Link to the personal data processing policy.
Description of header snippet settings:
Designed to display the so-called turbo page header (Article title, subtitle, image and its description).
- title — H1 tag.
- subtitle- H3 tag.
- imageTv — Placeholder of the TV field with the image.
- imageCaption — Caption of the image.
Description of imagegallery snippet settings:
Designed to display carousel images.
- migxTv — Placeholder of the MIGX field.
- key — Name of the MIGX field for the picture.
- name — Title.
Rating snippet settings description:
Designed to display the resource rating.
- rating — Rating of the resource.
- bestRating — The maximum rating of the resource.
Description of searchform snippet settings:
Designed to display a site search form.
- action — Link to the search page.
- queryName — The name of the parameter containing the search query.
- additionalParams — Additional parameters.
- placeholder — Placeholder text.
- type — Request type (POST / GET).
Designed for displaying share buttons on social networks.
Description of slider snippet settings
Designed to display the slider.
- migxTv — Placeholder of the MIGX field.
- key — Name of the MIGX field for the slide url.
- Initial release.
- Added rating.
- Added options descriptions.
- Updated markup for new requirements.
- Upgraded html cleaner.
- Added function to automatically close non-closed html tags
- Added the ability to design the content of the element through the chunk.
- Replaced the core of the RSS feed generator with a more productive and efficient.
- Added support for ad units.
- Added analytics counter support.
- Removed unused settings
- Significantly simplified snippet configuration process
- Improved HTML cleaner.
- Updated markup for new requirements.
- Added tv filters.
- Added user conditions.
- Delete old settings.
- Fixed E_NOTICE.
- Fixed undeclared variable (PHP 7.1)
- Fixed possible E_WARNING
- Add URL scheme generation.
- Workaround for uncaught DOMException: Invalid Character occurred by some users.
- Fixed DOMException: Invalid Character occurred by some users.
- Optimize database queries.
- Add new option: AuthorName.
- Added snippets generating elements such as slider, social media buttons and much more.
- Data-src tags are now replaced with src
- Updated turbo element chunk.
- Slider and carousel output snippets reworked. Now they do not generate sql database queries.